Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Christmas is approaching Beware of cute animals

 How fast has this year gone?!?!? I know time is supposed to pass faster as you get older but DAMN!!! An entire year in 5 minutes......I want a recount!!

Well on the plus side we are still preparing for Christmas over at Fab'n'Funky challenges. Our latest challenge is.....

Christmas Animals

Yes cute little Christmas creatures, the cuter the better 😉

 Of course this meant digging out and brushing off a firm favourite stamp set of mine, For the Love of Stamps - Furry & Bright

 Aren't they just the cutest little guys




 I have definitely gotten into CAS (Clean And Simple) card-making this year, although I'm not sure how strictly CAS they are.

This little set of Christmas card had multiple masking layers.

I always start with my main character (creating a mask on a sticky note), once that's stamped and the amsk is on I work out what & where. In this case it was the presents next as I wanted them to be in front of the tree, these then needed masks. Finally I stamped the tree.

So this is why I'm not 100% sure these are full CAS, technically they aren't that simple. For seasoned card-makers it would be so simple, but if you're new to card-making is it?

 Hmmm, maybe a video tutorial is in order.........I've not done a youtube one in some time.......

Oh alright you twisted my arm, I'll make one this afternoon, edit it tomorrow morning and hopefully have a link up here by tomorrow afternoon. 
You're so demanding........😁

Back tomorrow

Hugs & Happy thoughts
Buffy xx

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Feeling Blue but maybe not

 I know a bit of a confusing title, but you know me, never really fitted with convention 😉

So the challenge at Fab'n'Funky challenges is

"Shades of Blue"

 You may use any colour of blue you wish...from pastel to navy...and even turquoise blues.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Seasons Greetings

So we are getting into the swing over at Fab'n'Funky challenges.............


Our challenge this fortnight is 

Seasons Greetings

So it can be Christmassy or Thanks giving-ish but it has 
to be obvious

 (but if you are feeling a little ghoulish....go for it)


I've gone with a winter scene

I used the centre of the stencil and white shimmer ink, once done I stamped inside the leaf to create my winter scene. I then used a white marker to add snow.

I wanted to stamp te sentiment in white butafter several practise tries on a scrap of card which kept smudging, I relented and just used a momento tuxedo black inkpad.


Since we are talking seasons greetings, Hubby and I went for a walk round our neighbourhood the other day and this was definitely the nicest example of the new season we came across

Such wonderful golden tones, really brings a smile when you can see what nature can do.

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

Friday, 23 September 2022

Your head is where the Hapiness is (or coping with Adulting)

I mentioned on wednesday that I was out of sorts and was going to enter 2 competions next year, to prove to myself that I can go out into the big wide world too.

For those of you that don't know me you are probably thinking, aah she's a stay-at-home mum. Well, NO, I've worked most of my adult life and only gave up a few years ago to improve my health and help my eldest daughter with my granddaughter.(Bundle of joy and mischeif, slightly old photo, she's nearly 3 now)
I just find more and more that I'm not me anymore, so this is now my new journey of discovery, and you are welcome to join me.

I have had real troubles with being creative recently and that is definitely NOT normal for me. And that is when I heard the alarm bell ring "NOT normal for me".

Most of us go about our lives with the odd alarm bell going off but we carry on and ignore it, and that is a thing I have done in the past to. When we're younger life is hectic and busy and full of all sorts of things that don't always allow us to stop and take note of ourselves. 

The big question is "Do you hear yourself sometimes?" 
Now I don't mean a comment you have made to someone that maybe you shouldn't, I mean YOU do you hear YOU?
 Because if we listen every now and then, we will hear ourselves say "this isn't normal for you". 
And it's not talking about you doing some extreme activity or streaking through the cricket match with your top off 
(no, sorry to disappoint but I've never done that, I'm affraid an over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder is required at all times 🙈),
 it's talking about all the little things you love but you're not doing. The things that normally bring you joy.

SO.....challenges were needed......hence

Quilt & Stitch Village contest


Foundations Revealed competion


I entered the Quilt & Stitch village last year ( this post ) but I don't think I put my whole heart into it, but this time it has to be. I would so love to win a ribbon (a third place would be fabulous, I'm not greedy).

The hardest part of any challenge is where to start, for those of you who follow my blog you'll know I  have a little design book where I make scratchy sketches of what I want to make. Show you those next friday.

OUT IN THE BIG WORLD part I - Then comes the "finding fabric" part of it, I was hoping to go to Abakhan in Stoke-on-Trent yesterday with my sister-in-law (she's nutty-as-a-fruitcake and I love her to bits), unfotunately she got all her times muddled and we couldn't go.  
If you've never been to an Abakhan and there is one nearish to you I highly recommend you go. They have bins of off-cuts that you purchase by weight and I can honestly say, I've found some fabulous bargains.

So I trotted along to The Sewing Barn, just off the A52 near Ashborne. It was a lovely little shop

Daughters room is Kiwi Crush and Javan Dawn 3 (blue and green for us lesser mortals). I had a colour swatch with me and the lovely lady helped me find these. 

So I'm going to work on my design sketch of how I hope this will look.

BUT REMEMBER - if you aren't doing the little thing that brings you joy then try getting back into it, the world won't stop because you decided to spend an hour doing something that bring calmness and joy into your day/week.

And if motivation to do that thing is the problem then enter a challenge/contest/competion. Maybe it's just the motivation you need. Plus doing something that scares you is highly liberating and deeply satisfying.

If you like the idea of making this a regular sharing post then leave a comment below. Together we can achieve anything.

Hugs & Happy thoughts
Buffy xx

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Autumn is coming

I know I haven't blogged in a while but we have had a lot going on, more of that later.

We are fast aproaching cooler days and darker morning/evening which can only mean one thing


And this is our theme over at Fab'n'Fumky challenges

We want to see your lovely designs in  autumnal colours, all those lovely russets, golds/browns/oranges/yellows

I have gone mainly single layer, except the wee boat.

I started with the sun and slowly worked out from there, remebering to add the suns subdued reflection in the water. I blended the colours out to give a subtle autumnal evening feel.

 The hanging leaves were multi-stamped to give depth, I only used three inks as I didn't want to overpower the central theme.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgh I forgot the boat's shadow. I don't believe it 🤦To late now, I posted it half an hour ago😭

I'm going to blame the fact that I have been out of sorts for weeks now. 

We put our youngest daughter on a plane to Japan the other week, she will be at university in Sapporo for the next year. I know she is perfectly capable of look after herself and that she is pretty fluent in Japanese, but it's a big change. Her Uni here is a 2.5 hr drive away, so if she desperately needed something or was really ill it was quite easy to get there.

Before anyone says it I know she'll be fine and I know I have to stop worrying. This is what being a mum is about, teaching your kids to go out into the big wide world. What's that quote...

 "No one said motherhood would be easy, just that it would be worth it"

And well that is true (ok it's not the actual quote but maybe my version is better

So I'm going to enter 2 competions next year to try to show myself that I can go out into the big wide world too. (More about those on friday)

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Summer colours

 What interesting weather we've been having.

So it's wonderful that Fab'n'Funky challenges wants everyone to think

"Summer Colours"

Bright cheerful colouring.

So here is my summery offering.

I used a L.O.T.V stamp - sunflowers, a Spellbinder border die, Tattered lace flower die, and the yellow/orange cardstock from my stash.

Don't forget to visit all the lovely design team and leave them some love.

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

Wednesday, 8 June 2022


 What a wonderful long weekend  filled with celebration.

 Which leads me nicely to the new challenge over at Fab'n'Funky challenges....

This time we want...........


Share with us your celebrations, be it birthday, christenings or like me anniversary.

Somehow my husband and I have reached our 30th wedding anniversary

(no we don't know how either 😜)

And naturally you have to have a celebration for!

According to the wedding anniversary chart 30th is pearl and the colour green, and of course being a little bit of a traditionalist I incorporated them into my invites.

I used pearl white pearlesant card for the numbers and flower (unfortunately the camera didn't pick it up), green on green for the main card and a lovely floral paper from deep in my stash.

If I remember, I will make a tiny video so the gorgeous pearlesant card can be seen in all it's glory, the sheen is magical.

Nearly finished another dress for my granddaughter, so will share that with you soon.

Ankle is on the mend so back to geocaching soon to.

Enjoy our new challenge and don't forget to leave our lovely DT's some love.

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

Sunday, 22 May 2022


 It has been a few mildly miserable weeks. I haven't been able to get down to my craft workshop thanks to this.....

Yes I managed to fracture my ankle when I fell out my back door..........

So it has been wonderful to finally get down to my crafty place and get making.

First make..............

A little summer dress for my granddaughter. 

I found the gorgous daisy print light-weight denim when I was at the Quilt & Stitch village (literally a few days before I fell) and I knew it would be prfect for her.

The bodice I created from a dungaree pattern I had (with a few minor adjustments). I fudged a little pocket design and added bright snaps (that just happened to be the same colour as the yellow fabric).

Of course she couldn't have a sun-dress without a hat sooo.......

I really need to iron out that crease.........

I picked up a few other fabrics whilst I was at the Quilt&Stitch village so depending on how this fits her, I will probably have more cute frocks to share shortly.

Off to put my foot up for a bit.

Hugs & Happy Thoughts

Buffy xx

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Friday, 29 April 2022

Quilting Crazy

 As I mentioned in my last post I took the plunge and entered my very first quilt into the Quilt & Stitch village competion.

My friends and I have been going for a few years now but none of us even dreamt of having a go.

But, I decided to make a pact with my friend Dawn, if she made a quilt I would to. 

I honestly thought neither of us would actually go ahead and enter, so when Dawn told me she was entering the traditional quilt catergory (with a Dresden quilt) I nearly fell off my chair.

I'm not the sort to back out of a challege, so it was head down and sketchpad out. Then I remembered I had never made a quilt before and went in search of a few "How to quilt" videos on youtube.

After a lot of swearing, crying, screaming and a few disasters, I fianlly had my quilt completed.

And here it is

 I called it "Dreaming of Japan", I went for the contemporary catergory

we went to Japan a few years ago and we really wanted to go back, but alas the borders got closed, like most places. 

So we are still dreaming.

(this photo was a little blurry so took another when I got it back home)

As I said earlier my friend Dawn also entered, she made a traditional catergory quilt, she called it "Dresden Sunburst"

I really think she did an amazing job. It's so jolly but also has a calmness to it. Anyway I think it's great and she is very proud.

Here are a few more quilt from the show that I really liked (unfortunately I forgot to make a note of all the names) :



Double Fibonacci by Eleanor Marsden

(I wish I could have taken this home, it satisfied the math/science part of my brain as well as the crafting side)


This quilt was called "Farewell Montreal" and was a group quilt put together by  Linda Forey. Each Maple leaf square was created by a different member of the group and given to her when she moved to Britain. (group quilt catergory)

But it is this quilt however that took my breath away

It is made up of tiny squares (about 0.5in) for the main picture, then Sashiko either side. I have searched the shows programme to try and work out the name of this peice and it's creators name but alas I am at an impass.

Just to give a closer look at the fine work that went into this.


This quilt was one from the themed catergory "Bring Literature to Life"

Lord of the flies by Marion Ridsdill

I especially like the little touch of dding a pair of damaged glasses to it.



This quilt was quite fascinating as it was very dimensional

(again I forgot the names)





Dawn and I were really proud of ourselves for taking the plunge and entering the competion, we may not have won rosettes but there is always next time 😉

Back soon with more sharing

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

Wednesday, 27 April 2022


 We have an interesting challenge over at Fab'n'Funky challenges

This week we are looking for 


And here is my interpretation 

I know I've been a little lacking in tutorials lately but I have a few good reasons, but I'm only going to share one of those with with.

I decided to enter the Quilt & Stitch village quilt competion....Yes I crazy is that...

My friend Dawn also entered.

We sort of made a pact......

But I will tell you all about that once I've sorted through all the photo's, I can tell you it was both terrifying and exciting.

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Feature a Creature

 What a wonderfully busy week and now an interesting challenge over at Fab'n'Funky challenges

This week we are looking to

"Feature a Creature"

I like mermaids so that was my basis for this card. 


The mermaid is a Gorgeuss stamp, coloured using promarkers and a Sakura stardust gel pen, to give the tail a little shimmer.

Now I could have gone for the typical fantasy sub, all wood & brass, but that just felt all wrong. So tatty grey metal look.

The porthole is overlaid, same cardstock as the surround, made using two circular dies. A little bit of inking to give a grubby effect.

Hugs & Happy Thoughts

Buffy xx

Wednesday, 30 March 2022


 So I've done something a little different for this weeks challenge over at Fab'n'Funky challenges, I have had a go at making a tutorial video.


A video

My youngest daughter let me use her video editing software, what a learning curve that was.

It's not perfect but it could be a lot worse 😉

So here is the end result

I could have done a wide variety of masculine cards BUT as this was the first one I would film I decided to keep it super simple. 

Check it out Here:   Super Simple Card Tutorial 

I hope you enjoy my ameteur video, if nothing more it will give you a good giggle.

Please remember to check out all our lovely DT ladies blogs

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy x

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Dies or Stencils

 Good morning,

This week over at Fab'n'Funky challenges we want you to use

"Dies or Stencils"

or both

My great nephews 4th birthday was my inspiration for this card

I dug out my old Waltzing Mouse stamp set - Half Pint Heros.

First thing I did was make a 6x6in card and add a back topper (5.5x5.5in)


Cut white cardstock 5x5in, using Imaginations Starry trail stencil and S.U.Bashful Blue inkpad to create a background

Stamp rocket onto the background

Personally I like to have a scrap of card to check the colours before I start colouring in.

And here is the finished card


Plus I stencilled the insert

Happy crafting

Hugs & Happy thoughts 

Buffy xx

Wednesday, 16 February 2022


 Hello my lovelies,

Our new challenge at Fab'n'Funky challenges is.......


Yes we want to see all your lovely birthday wishes,
it can be for any age as long as it has the theme

If your anything like me February and March have lots of birthdays, 2 of my kids, 2 in-laws, 4 friends, 3 friends kids (they call me aunty...shows my age).

Here is my little creation

First I stamped the balloon & made a mask. Once I placed the mask I then stamped the clouds.
Then it was just a case of colouring in the balloon and characters.
Remember to visit all of our lovely DT and leave them so
Stamps - WMS Half Pint Heroines
Background paper - Neighbour wood by Helen Cuppleditch
Inks - SU Bashful blue & Momento tuxedo
Promarkers - Orchid, Plum, Dusky rose, Dusky pink, Sunflower, Tan, Chestnut, Poppy, Almond, Blush, Ginger
Freebie - Happy birthday die (cut in scrap of SU bashful blue cardstock)

Hugs & Happy thoughts
Buffy x

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Pearls & Lace

 What a wonderful week we are having over at Fab'n'Funky challenges

"Pearl & Lace"

 We have a rather special birthday coming up in our house, so I may have gotten a little carried away with the girly pearls.


Pearly edge and big Lacey numbers, I don't think I could have made it much girlier than I have.
(No , she's not a lacy girly girl, that's what makes it fun)

Backing paper - something from stash (years old)
Stamp - Dolly Dimple Crafts - Fab Cake 3
ProMarkers - Almond, Blush, Oatmeal, Wild cranberry, Crimson, Cider apple, Olive green, Orchid, Lilac, Plum, Bright orange and Sunflower
Don't forget to visit all our lovely DT ladies and leave them some love.

Hugs & Happy thoughts
Buffy xx

Friday, 21 January 2022

Daring deeds

 So I have finall made a start on my Quilt & Stitch show competition piece. Nervous would be a total understatement.

I have never made a quilt before. I mean I started stitching a few squares & strips of fabric together years ago but that's as far as it ever got. This!? This is the real deal.

I made a deal with my friend Dawn that we would both enter a quilt into the competition (Ithought it would motivate me) and I was quite surprised when she said sh was entering her dresden quilt she had just made..........Aaaaarrrrggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!

But a deals a deal and I never go back on a deal.

I have so far redrawn my plan 4 times, changing so many details, which fabrics I woul use......endless.

But as I said at the beginning I have started it, it's not much yet but I have 10 days to finish it....hhmmm make that 6 days ( I can't get any sewing done on granddaughter days. 

(OK I could but I prefer to give her my undivided attention)

So here is a peek at what I've done so far (photo not great)

I'm quite proud of the free-motion quilting in my sky, first time I've ever done it.

Well back to the grind.

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

2 or more Patterned papers

 So we're here again

"2 or more patterned papers"

This got me thinking about which of my stamps I could use to make this interesting

I decided on my W.M.S Playful Pinswheels stamp set.

And a few scraps of patterned paper from my stash.

To make it a bit more of a challenge, I made it turnable. I'd like to say spinnable BUT it's a little stiff and requires physical interaction.

And This is just what I hoped it would be

Hugs & Happy thoughts
Buffy xx

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Keeping it Simple

We are back and raring to go for the new year at Fab'n'Funky challenges.

For our first chalenge of the year we are asking you to 

"Keep it Simple"

Yes simplicity is the key to this one,

think easy to do

I stamped straight onto the card, using subtle promarkers for a relaxed feel. 

Confession time - the sentiment was originally supposed to be on the card like the image, unfortunately it smudged. (I jumped when the squirrel jumped down onto my craft room roof) But rather than abandon it I improvised, a quick search through my dies for a label and hey presto.

Please visit each of our lovely DT blogs and leave them some love - Find links to their blogs  Here

Stamp - LOTV Lazy Afternoon

ProMarkers - alomond, blush, dusky pink, sunkissed pink, april shower, grey-green, tawny owl, caramel and olive green


Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

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