Friday 21 January 2022

Daring deeds

 So I have finall made a start on my Quilt & Stitch show competition piece. Nervous would be a total understatement.

I have never made a quilt before. I mean I started stitching a few squares & strips of fabric together years ago but that's as far as it ever got. This!? This is the real deal.

I made a deal with my friend Dawn that we would both enter a quilt into the competition (Ithought it would motivate me) and I was quite surprised when she said sh was entering her dresden quilt she had just made..........Aaaaarrrrggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!

But a deals a deal and I never go back on a deal.

I have so far redrawn my plan 4 times, changing so many details, which fabrics I woul use......endless.

But as I said at the beginning I have started it, it's not much yet but I have 10 days to finish it....hhmmm make that 6 days ( I can't get any sewing done on granddaughter days. 

(OK I could but I prefer to give her my undivided attention)

So here is a peek at what I've done so far (photo not great)

I'm quite proud of the free-motion quilting in my sky, first time I've ever done it.

Well back to the grind.

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

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