Wednesday 13 December 2023

Oh Baubles

 Oh my baubles, it's almost christmas......

I've not finished my wrapping yet.............ok.......ok.........breath.........there's still a couple of weeks

Just breath................IN 1 2 3.........and OUT 1 2 3....................let's make christmas cards instead......

We are going full Christmas crackdown over at Fab'n'Funky challenges 


I know, I know, who needs reminding....

Now if you promise to keep it between us I'll tell you a secret......Promise?
I have to give all my neighbours a christmas card and no I don't know most of them, it's just the idea that someone might not get a single greetings card fills me with dread. 
My husband thinks I'm weird but I can't help it. I've been doing it for a few years now.
I know I can't send everyone in my neighbourhood a card, I don't have enough cardstock for that. But I can make sure at least 100 homes get a card.
I also try to put a crochet decoration in some of the cards and I post these to the houses with children.
This year I'm crocheting snowflakes. 
And before anyone asks, NO, I don't sign my name. Hell, I don't even put my made by stamp on it.
And as far as I'm aware none of my neighbours blog, so they won't find out.
I'm only confessing my antics to all of you because I figure none of you will think it's weird, PLUS, you're all crafters too, and I'm sure dozens of you do exactly the same thing. 
Here are the latest batch of cards

I know they are super simple, but they are made with Hugs & Happy Thoughts

And this year they are also made with Nuvo crystal drops.......for the centre piece of the baubles

We had to eat dinner on the sofa because our dining table was covered in drying cards 😂

Our lovely DT have come up with some amazing creations, so pop along and leave them some christmas cheer......Here

Stamp sets - FtLoS Festive Flok Ark - Stockings & Baubles and O Christmas tree.

Ink - Momento Tuxedo black

Pens - Kurtake Brush pens

Happy Yuletide, Merry Christmas, Season Greetings

I wish you all Joy & Peace

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx


Chris said...

Aww Buffy, you're such a sweetheart. How kind of you to make so many cards for your neighbours, people you don't even know. I don't think you're weird at all you just have a generous heart!
Your cards are beautiful, the baubles look gorgeous decorated with the nuvo drops.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

What a lovely thing to do, I have about 20 neighbours I send to, not anonymous though. As for being weird, nope! Just having a wonderful Christmas spirit, bet it gets your neighbours going on who sends them their cards. They are lovely cards too.
Faith x

Ginny said...

Thank you from Australia :) Got my card today xx Best wishes for a wonderful xmas and New Year for you and yours xx

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