Friday 26 March 2021

From My Design Table - DnD Dice bag

For my youngest daughters birthday I decided to make her a new Dice Bag.....yes a dice bag!

She's into DnD and has a few different dice sets. But let me share the story of how the bag came to be.

 It starts with an idea - you have no idea if you can pull it off or how to start or if it will work, BUT you carry on and have a go and that's what really counts, having a go. First comes a tatty looking sketch of what you want to make.

This is how everything I have ever shared with you always starts, and yes sometimes even I can't make sense of my scratty little sketches πŸ˜‚
My pattern making is quite hit or miss, and a project can change several times as it goes.

I also don't own all the fancy dressmaking tools some people may have, so normal household object get drafted in as sewing tools - in this case it a an old record we inherited that was badly scratched and unplayable (yes, we still own a record-player). 
So we have an inner/outer main base plus the bottom support. Maths time, divide 360 by 7?!? no by 8 to give pocket positions. I hope I'm not underestimating how many sets of dice she has.....especially as there are two sets sitting here on my desk (they were on her wish-list from an Etsy company called Luffleberry
Pockets - I originally considered just flat ones but as I looked at the dice sets I realised depth was a must. The angles meant figuring out a shape that would hold the sets comfortably (easily get the dice in and out when required). BUT, I want each pocket to have embroidery on it, so I had to trace the pattern that I came up with onto the fabric so I could position it in my embroidery hoop.
The other two pockets were still being embroidered at this point. 
A little press with the iron before top-stitching and attached to the base
To finish the inner base I created a base circle from the outer fabric to add a little contrast. I then quilted the outer fabric.
As I was sew I kept looking over at the inner section, it occurred to me that it looked a bit like a lily-pad, so there was only one thing for it.

It needed a little frog, it was probably also in my mind because my daughter keeps putting the most adorable YouTube clip up on the telly- it's called "Coqui song" (if you get the chance click the link  and go take a peek, it's so cute)

So it was then just sewing the inner and outer together, and adding the drawstring.
Of course I couldn't resist adding a little embroidered bee to the outside.

Well, that's it for the moment. I have to go make the hubby's birthday present now. But I'll be back soon with more sharing and some news on new Scan'n'Cut videos I've been planning to make.

Hugs & Happy Thoughts
Buffy xx
(Wild_Nanna)  πŸ˜‰

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Fab'n'Funky Flowers

 So over at Fab'n'Funky challenges we have a lovely cheery theme


Show us your flower power 

And I have two offerings to share with you.

Firstly a subtle green stepper, I have to confess it's a little bit of cheating as it is a TL die I bought a few years ago at Doncaster Crafting Live. The flowers are another TL die from my 2019 advent calendar.

This bright & bold card consists of some fabulous patterned paper I have had for over 5 yrs.
Pastel strips in one direction with bold strips woven the other way. I couldn't resist adding black flowers (TL die). This card was created with one of my friends in mind. I  know she'll like the bold colours. Not sure how she's going to feel about the 3 sheet of A4 that are the letter I included 🀣.

Please visit all our lovely DT's over at Fab'n'Funky challenges and leave them some love.

Back very soon with some crazy creations.

Hugs & Happy Thoughts
Buffy xx

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Spots and Stripes

 So I misread our DT brief for this weeks challenge - DOH!!!

We are doing... 

Spots and Stripes

over at Fab'n'Funky Challenges 


I had noted it down as spots OR stripes like a ninny. And made a spotty card for my granddaughter and a stripy card for my nephew And here they are:

A simple, slightly steam-punkish card for my nephew. I was so happy when I rediscovered my wonky-squares dies. 
Cute spotting card for my little granddaughter. Can you guess how old she is? πŸ˜‰ Just simple layering and a ribbon. The number die is the newest addition to my crafting stash and it's about a year old.

All cardstock and backing-papers are from old supplies of my stash collection. I'm still determined to work my way through the 2 boxes of backing-papers I have unearthed during my move into my crafting shed, which has now been dubbed Nannas nook. Photos to follow shortly

Please check out our lovely DT's creations and leave them some love.

Back soon with updates and sharing

Hugs & Happy thoughts
Buffy xx
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