Wednesday, 26 February 2025


 So I am struggling to believe my granddaughter is nearly 5, what !?!?! When did this happen??????????

Luckily, over at Fab'n'Funky challenges we're doing


 You know dragons, witches, fairies, all those kind of things.

Which is perfect when you know a plucky little adveturer who has a birthday coming up very soon.

And of course every lady knight needs sparkly armour

Sparkly Pink armour, of course
And Unicorns always have sparkly mane & tails
A little sparkle gel pen goes a long way.
And of course you need a Dragon
Non-firebreathing kind, naturally
And when you add them all together, you get 


Stamps - FTLS - "Unicorn dreams" and "Noble knights & naughty dragons"

Ink - Momentos Tuxedo black

Pens - ProMarkers 

Hugs & Happy Thoughts
Buffy x

Wednesday, 29 January 2025


 Hello lovely peeps

I know it has been a while since my last post, and I'm not ashamed to say it has been rather chaotic here recently. I genuinely didn't know if I was coming or going. But we all have times when nothing seems to fall into place like it normally would.

Anywho...........over at Fab'n'Funky challenges we want to see 

Stamped Image 

Well, I decided to go whole hog on this one. My images are purely stamped........

The donuts, the icing, the faces and the spiral one in the middle are all stamped. It was ajoy to make as I hadn't had these stamps out in quite a while.

Our wondwerful DT have some truly inspirational examples to share with you all.

Please go leave them some love.

Hug & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Fur or Feathers

 Hello my lovelies,

Over at Fab'n'Funky challenges the new theme is.........

Fur or Feathers

yes any furry or feathery creature will do as you feature

(Ooow sneaky bit of rhyming there)

This was a true dilema for me, so many stamps (20yr collecting), so much choice, what is a woman to do....................


yes that's the answer 

a wintery scene with wintery creatures....Hmmm

yes absolutely perfect idea...

The surrounding colours had to be light enough to make the robins stand out, and I don't think I did too bad a job.

I didn't blend the leaves quite as well as I could have, but I don't think it's bad.

Stamp - FTLS Robin's Beautiful Bouquet

Inks - Momento tuxedo black, S.U. ceertainly celery

Punch - S.U. Oval 1.75"

Pens - Promarkers:-

           Robins - Oatmeal, Burnt orange & Cocoa

           Boot - Denim blue, Twilight sky, Tan, Moss & Ice grey5

           Flowers - Apple cider, Moss, Budding rose & dusky rose.

Bakers twine was from stash (unsure of how long ago???)

Simple layering technique to build the card.

Remember to drop by and share some love with the wonderful DT's

Back soon.........

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy xx

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

All Bling

 Hello my lovelies,

How have you been keeping? Have you been crafting this past 2 weeks?

Well, over at Fab'n'Funky challenges we've bong "BLINGY":

Gems and/or Pearls

Yes, bling up your projects

I found an old stamp (can't for love remember where/who) and she was perfect for this challenge

Here she is with her gemmed up boots & dress. Even the butterflies have bling.

After colouring her in I proceeded to attach the 15 mini gemstones..........not easy

 These thing really are small, but, with the best patience I could muster I got there.

I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, plenty of gems but not all up in your face.

Stamp - ????? (if any of you recognise it drop a comment below, thanks)

Ink - Momento Tuxedo black

Gems - Been in stash for years

Pens - Promarkers - Outfit:-Powder blue, denim blue, lemon, yellow, 

                                   Hair:- lemon, honeycomb, tan, beige, 

                                   Skin:-almond, sunkissed rose, dusky rose, blush

                               Flower:- apple cider, pear green, moss, lemon, saffron


Make sure to visit our lovely DT and leave them good vibes

Until next time 

Hugs & Happy thoughts

Buffy x

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